At the 1627 Aptucxet Trading Post Museum there are the Beth Bourne Wildflower Collection Garden, the Wampanoag Garden and the 1600’s Herb Garden. These gardens continue to flourish due to the dedication of our volunteers. Bourne school children and other schools in the region come to visit and learn about life here in the 1600’s. Each spring Bourne students help to plant The Three Sisters Garden (corn, beans and squash). They enjoy the experience beginning with putting a herring in the hole before the seed to share with “Mother Earth”, the Wampanoag way.
At the historic Briggs McDermott House, a very dedicated committee maintains the Heritage Gardens which includes an herb garden and a fence garden. There is a spring clean up, planting of annuals, summer watering and deadheading, as well as a fall clean up and putting the garden to bed for the winter.